Read Online The Complicated Gray Justine Froelker 9781545650455 Books

By Allen Berry on Monday, May 6, 2019

Read Online The Complicated Gray Justine Froelker 9781545650455 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 240 pages
  • Publisher Xulon Press (November 14, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1545650454

The Complicated Gray Justine Froelker 9781545650455 Books Reviews

  • I Have all of Justine’s books and I love them all. Justine provides so much about journey to overcome obstacles and be coming a better person. I really appreciate her story telling of the Complicated Gray . I can related to some of Justine obstacles and her experienced . I really appreciate that she recognizes that her life is always a working process.
    I was emotional with happy tears . I gave up on God & still mad at him & no longer believe in him and Justine found God and God help her break through Barriers .. I really enjoyed the Complicated Gray and I thank Justine again for sharing her story .
    Keep writing books and your books are very helpful. Thanks Justine.

    I can relate and LOVE The Complicated Gray .
  • This is my third book of Justine's and I LOVE it just like I loved the other three. Justine provides so much about her journey to overcoming obstacles and becoming a better person with the love of Jesus. I really appreciate her story telling, I can relate to a lot of what she has experienced. I really appreciate that she recognizes that this life is always a work in progress. And she inspires me to keep reminding myself of this. God has a plan, and we just need to break down our walls to fully understand and embrace HIS plan!
    Beautiful story telling and inspiring words. Thank you Justine!
  • Have you ever kept score with God? Has life felt less than "fair"? Then chances are, you are living in the "Complicated Gray" - the often messy, usually hard space between two opposing truths. Justine writes in an engaging way, bringing to life the struggles most of us keep tucked quietly in our heads, hearts and private journals. While I have not experienced the deep loss that Justine shares about, our family is very much living in the tension of the Complicated Gray; and it was through her book that I realized just how angry I still was with the God that I love for allowing such deep hurt in my family's life. By sharing her story in such a transparent way, Justine gives all of us who follow Jesus permission to wrestle with the hardest parts of our story as we seek out His healing and peace through it all.
  • Have you ever felt angry at God? Down right pissed at Him? In the Complicated Gray Justine cleverly builds upon her prior book Ever Upward sharing her story of successful and ongoing recovery from infertility loss. I found Justine’s description of her faith journey through 56 vignettes truly inspirational and hope-filled. Justine internalizes that our truth and worth are not defined by our circumstances, but by being made in God’s image.

    My favorite quote as said by Justine to a young man who had lost his wife, “And then maybe we can actually heal, right?”

    Get your copy of the Complicated Gray and start healing today!
  • Being someone who has experienced great loss in her life, I have always struggled with my feelings, am I feeling "right"? Are my feelings "Christian?" Justine does a beautiful job of encouraging us to BE, to FEEL, and most importantly to talk and wrestle with God! Through her story, she shows us how in all the mess, all the hell of dealing with LOSS you can find beauty and peace! The most freeing part for me is she shows that all these feelings, "The Complicated Gray" goes back to Jesus and his life here on Earth! An absolutely beautiful and priceless story that I will read over and over again!
  • If you or someone you love has struggled with loss of any kind, whether it be that of a child, a loved one, a dream, a loss of anything that was impacting. You must read this. There’s so much power in Justine’s words and help bridge some of those challenging parts of grief. Thank you for your voice and vulnerability Justine. Your work does not go unnoticed.
  • Facing life with infertility, failed treatments and living life without your children is hard, but Justine’s story is so uplifting and reminds us we are not alone and even though we don’t have our children we still have a childfull life. This book is one that you will have a hard tome putting down once you start reading. So entertaining and interesting. Must read.
  • I reccomend this book for any person that is struggling with infertility and faith. Justine hits close to home with sharing her personal struggles that many couples TTC (trying to conceive) face. It is so relatable and has helped me learn how to still trust God even when I don't understand. It is definitely worth reading!