Download PDF Vegan Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners Delicious SoulSatisfying Vegan Recipes from Tamales to Tostadas That Supplements a Raw Vegan Lifestyle Audible Audio Edition Sam Kuma sangita chauhan Aku Books

By Allen Berry on Monday, May 13, 2019

Download PDF Vegan Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners Delicious SoulSatisfying Vegan Recipes from Tamales to Tostadas That Supplements a Raw Vegan Lifestyle Audible Audio Edition Sam Kuma sangita chauhan Aku Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 1 hour and 26 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Aku
  • Release Date December 27, 2018
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Vegan Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners Delicious SoulSatisfying Vegan Recipes from Tamales to Tostadas That Supplements a Raw Vegan Lifestyle Audible Audio Edition Sam Kuma sangita chauhan Aku Books Reviews

  • I've been vegetarian for over a decade and have found myself in something of a food rut. As often, I try to branch out and see what other cultures foods and recipes look like. Sadly, for me at least, this book had a lot of recipes or variations of recipes I've already been making. If you have been vegetarian/vegan for awhile and been exploring the diverse world of recipes already, this book may be a good inspiration. At the very least it would show you recipes in a way you haven't before seen them.

    This book is broken down into 7 chapters. Salsa, Breakfast, Soup, Snacks, Main Course and Dessert recipes. Total this book has 47 recipes.

    The Salsa recipes are semi-bland and unoriginal. The ingredients list is largely repetitive and often very short. Thankfully this does translate to be very easy to make. I think the most interesting (and only new recipe to me) was the Black Bean Guacamole recipe. Which I will, I feel, be making often.
    Honestly the best sections in this book are the Salsa, Dessert, and Snacks. Overall this book could ahve been better were it not for the lack of pictures, as such I had no idea how some of the recipes were meant to be made. Pretty much any recipe that requires rolling, tucking or folding (which is actually quite a few).
    I received this item for free in exchange of an honest review.
  • This is a must-have if you love Mexican food, Mexican culture and eating healthier. Normally most would think the three would not fit together. There are actually many Mexican food recipes that are mostly vegan. This mouthwatering collection of Mexican Vegan Recipes by Sam Kuma provides recipes that are familiar but have healthier ingredients. I'm hungry just talking and writing about it. I cannot wait to try all of my favorites. So far my heart is with the Guacamole recipe. This is how my Aunt Tita taught me to make traditional Mexican Guacamole. Simple ingredients - fresh ingredients - and healthy. This is a great gift to send to friends and loved ones. I received this Ebook for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

    La vida es buena

    (Life is good)

    Missy Anne

    I received this Ebook for free to review and to provide my honest and unbiased review. I love it!
  • The title is a good description of this book. It is a good introduction to Mexican vegan recipes. The recipes are easy yet tasty. There are 7 chapters with at least 8 recipes per chapter. There were some interesting combinations I had not thought of before.
  • I received a free copy of the Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners ebook in return for my honest review. What follows is my unbiased opinion.

    I was interested in this book because I have a friend who is vegan, and when we have him and his wife over for dinner, our options for cooking for him are a bit monotonous. I was hoping to find something new and interesting that I could learn about in this cookbook.

    Unfortunately, the offerings in this cookbook are themselves, quite monotonous.
    Most of the recipes call for the same ingredients over and over tomatoes, onions, peppers, black beans, rice, tortillas. The only green vegetable I saw mentioned once was zucchini. One of the benefits of a vegan diet is the great variety of vegetables you incorporate in your diet, especially green and vibrant-coloured veggies. I don't see much sign of this great variety in this cookbook.

    I was also disappointed with the heavy reliance on packaged food like fake sausage, fake ground beef, fake sour cream, fake mayonnaise, etc. I'm not interested in buying any of those products - they all taste like a pale imitation of the real thing to me. It's entirely possible to create interesting meals from whole foods.

    Maybe this cookbook would work for a vegan who doesn't like vegetables.
  • There is a free gift included with the e-book. Called Vegan Living- A Healthy Beginning. It talks about the benefits and difficulties going vegan and has tips and tricks on surviving the path.

    This book is only to introduce you to a Mexican Vegan Diet. If you’re looking to add some Mexican food to your diet, this book is for you. The recipes are tasteful and will delight your taste buds. The ingredients are traditional Mexican ones and the ingredients can be found in your local grocery store. You can take the recipes and make them you own so you can be creative and have fun making the dishes.

    Some of the recipes in the book are Salsas, Breakfast, Soups, Salads, Snacks and Desserts.

    I love this cookbook. The recipes are so delicious, different and healthy. They all look so good I had a hard time deciding what to cook first. Sam Kuma had written another wonderful cooking book. I have now read 5 out of 9 of his books am I looking forward to reading all of them and added them to my book collection. I love to cook and Sam Kuma books give me the freedom to be creative and make the recipes my own. I highly recommend this book.


    I received this book for free exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. All opinions shared are 100% my own.
    Vegan Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners Delicious, Soul-Satisfying Vegan Recipes (from Tamales to Tostadas) that supplements a Raw Vegan Lifestyle (Vegan ... to help Vegan and Vegetarian Beginners 1)